Make Your Own Can-Am Maverick X3 Tool Kit

Tools you need to make trailside repairs

When we prep a machine for a big trip or certain race, we take only what is needed.Motion Pro

This is a list of the exact tools you need to fix the Can-Am Maverick X3 out on the trail. In the chart, next to the tool name, you will see what part each tool fits, so you can confirm for yourself, these tools will have you totally covered. We have also included the couple extra tools you should bring as well. Motion Pro is in the process of building machine specific tool kits for the UTV market, but until then you can make your own. Visit for new and unique tools.

Taking tools on the trail is one of those things we always do no matter what machine we are driving. Nine times out of ten we end up using them to fix someone else’s broken down machine. However, when we prep a machine for a big trip or certain race, we take only what is needed. These are the tools you need to work on a stock X3. If you add aftermarket parts, make sure you add the right tools to your kit or better yet, use fasteners with head sizes already shown here.

Have you been wondering what tools you should carry in a Can-Am Maverick X3?Motion Pro
Tools To Carry What they fit on your Can-Am Maverick X3
Phillips Screwdriver Hose Clamps
Flat Screwdriver Interior Panels, Hose Clamps, Shock Adjust
T20 Torx Headlights, Fenders
T30 Torx Cargo Tray, Hose Clamps, Dash, CVT, Airbox, Exhaust Cover, Fenders
T40 Torx Cargo Tray
5mm Allen Shock Reservoirs, Turbo
7mm Socket/wrench Hose Clamps
8mm Socket/wrench Engine Brackets, Fuel Lines
10mm Socket/wrench A-arm Plate, Brake Lines, Fire Wall, Headlights
13mm Socket/wrench Drive & Steering Shaft, Master Cylinder, Battery, Body, Gas Tank, Coolant Lines, Throttle, Seat, Belt
15mm Socket/wrench Front Diff, Sway Bar
17mm Socket/wrench Shock Adjust
18mm Socket/wrench Tie Rods, Steering Rack, A-arms, Bumper, Seats, Radius Rods, Shocks, Trailing Arms
19mm Socket/wrench Harness Bar, Lug Nuts, Ball Joint
20mm Wrench Tie Rods
30mm Socket/wrench Wheel Hubs, Front, Rear Axle Nut
Medium Crescent Wrench
Medium Vise Grip
Wire Cutter
Breaker Bar
Push Pin Pliers
Spring Hook
Breaker Bar
Rivet Gun