Watch Pastrana and Cleetus McFarland Rip a Can-Am Maverick R

Who better to test the Maverick R than a crazy YouTuber and a motocross legend?

That’s 98 mph over a rugged desert in a bone-stock machine. Note: We don’t condone or recommend trying this bare-handed. Please wear gloves.Cleetus McFarland

Who better to take first crack at the wild new 2024 Can-Am Maverick R than a YouTuber known for full-throttle antics and a former motocrosser who makes Evel Knievel look like a scared puppy? Can-Am figured the answer was nobody, so it handed a new Maverick to Travis Pastrana and Cleetus McFarland, two dudes with bags of skill, zero cares, and an innate need to find the limits of a machine immediately.

Predictably, the pair hit a massive water crossing at full chat, then hit the 99 mph limiter within minutes of getting their hands on the big machine. We got our hands on a very similar machine about a week after this pair did, and found pretty much the same things. Hit a square edge at 50? No worries. Steep, rocky climbs? Not a thing in a Maverick R. And then there is the stability at speed. Unmatched is the word we’d use. Check out the video at the link, but stay tuned for our own driving impressions coming very soon!

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