Polaris Shop Talk Invites Fox for a Shock Education

Fox does a deep dive on a RZR Pro R’s 3.5-inch internal bypass unit.

There are shocks, and there are shocks. Fox makes both.Polaris

Polaris Shop Talk is like Mr. Rogers for adults (for those of you who remember Mr. Rogers), but even better because everything in the shop is real. We’ve never been let down by an episode, and we thought this one particularly good. Fox Shocks marketing manager Dane Garvik stops by to explain, well, a bunch of things, the result being an education in dampers.

The most eye-popping moments are when Pat McArdle and Garvik compare the 2-inch Fox shock once found in the RZR Trail S 900 and the massively larger 3.5-inch internal bypass shock with remote reservoir in today’s RZR Pro S and Pro R. Garvik then lays out the whys and hows of the internal bypass unit, explaining the top-out zone, ride zone, and bump zones before doing a deep dive into the components that distinguish each zone and how the shock performs.

Since almost everything we ride nowadays contains at least one shock, and a lot of us want to run all of those things as hard as possible, we highly recommend this episode for viewing.

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