Yamaha OAI Donations Pass $6 Million Mark

Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative donated $311K in Q2.

With its Q2 donations tallied, the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative surpassed $6 million in total donations over its 15 years.Yamaha

Yamaha’s Outdoor Access Initiative has donated $6 million to outdoor organizations and projects since its inception 15 years ago, the company announced last month. The OAI passed the milestone after it sent out $311,355 in grant funding in Q2. The money went to 18 organizations and projects nationwide, three of which were in Oregon.

The Q2 donations also reached projects in Alaska, Arizona, Tennessee, Maine, California, New York, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. In Oregon, OAI funding will help projects in the Tillamook State Forest, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, and Prospect OHV riding area.

OAI funds are distributed as grants, and recipients apply to a competitive selection process to receive money. Applications for the Q3 funding cycle are due September 30. Eligibility requirements and application instructions can be found at the Yamaha OAI website.

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